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The Society for Veterinary Medical Ethics
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12 Topics List

  • How is the Standard of Care defined for veterinarians? 
  • Defining suffering in companion animals (click to download)
  • Applied ethics in confinement agriculture: exploring the role of the veterinarian in food security, sustainability, human health, and animal welfare
  • What are the ethical issues surrounding "scaled" treatment plans in veterinary medicine? 
  • Ethics surrounding medical futility of animal patients
  • Convenience euthanasia in veterinary medicine
  • The ethics of breeding and owning small and large exotic animals in non-zoo settings - veterinary roles and responsibilities in this context
  • Data mining in animal healthcare: Balancing ownership, privacy, consent, and social benefit.
  • How should veterinarians handle conflicts between ethics and the law?

  • April 06, 2021 6:17 PM | Anonymous

    What are your thoughts and feelings on these topics? 

    Are you or anyone you know a thought leader in these areas? We are looking for contributors / authors and welcome your feedback.

    Contact the 12 Topics Committee at:

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